Our Curriculum
At Footprints educare all tamariki will be given the opportunity to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes to enable them to grow up as competent and confident learners and communicators.
Our Curriculum
Our vision is to nurture our future generation for success.
All of our tamariki are cared for and educated by teachers that have a Christian faith or are committed to and respect our Christian kaupapa.
Our Christian curriculum is a way of life. Karakia, waiata and interactive biblical programs are naturally woven into our daily planning.
It is embedded in the centre.
It is the embodiment of who we are.
It is the way we care, support and educate our tamariki.
Our curriculum provides tamariki the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding of the cultural heritages of both parties to Te Tiriti o Waitangi. We incorporate Te Reo and tikanga Māori into our programme planning and learning experiences.
Te Whāriki
We actively use the Principles, Strands, Goals, and Learning Outcomes of Te Whāriki (New Zealand's Early Childhood Curriculum) to guide our teaching and planning practices when facilitating learning for tamariki, led by their own interests and needs.